from αναχρονος
Like being in a film (Franca Marri)
Man body nature cosmos (Franca Marri)
Myth, fable, reality and unreality, without end (Franca Marri)
from A Silent Mutation
Roberto Kusterle: who said the future could kill dreams? (Francesca Alfano Miglietti)
from Mutabiles nymphae
Mutabiles nymphae (Fulvio Dell’Agnese)
from Stone marks
from The Marks of Metembiosis
The marks of metembiosis (Giuseppe O. Longo)
Inside the image: the photography of Roberto Kusterle (Simone Furlani)
Denying boundaries (Alessandro Minelli)
from Abysses and low tides
Abysses and low tides (Angelo Bertani)
from Body rites
Lo splendore del corpo (Giuseppe O. Longo)